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If you need up to 128 channels in one rugged housing the SIRIUS R8 instrument is your right choice. It comes in a 19" rack style or as a standalone solution. With the high performance SBOX included there is enough power even for the most demanding applications. SIRIUS R8 is easy configurable, with any amplifier/connector combination on any slot. SIRIUS SBOX option is included in every rack system. Easily extended to hundreds of channels by combining several systems into a cluster.
Features R8 & R8D:
Compact rack including strong i7 CPU and removable SSD
Optional Full HD 17" multi touch wide angle display (R8D)
8 Sirius slices
Max. 128 analog inputs in one rack
Wide range DC power input, incl. external AC power supply
Features R2DB:
Built in battery packs enables it to run on battery power
Compact rack including strong i5 CPU and SSD
Full data throughput is guaranteed with the powerful SBOX PC
High quality 12” multi touch display and keyboard included
2 Sirius slices for up to 32 analog inputs in one small rack
Wide range DC power input, incl. external AC power supply
Compact data acquisition system with 4 SIRIUS-R slots for up to 64 analog inputs, 32 counter inputs and 32 analog outputs with built-in high-performance, highly reliable data processing computer and SSD data logger.
Additionally offers measurements for Industrial Acoustic, Structural Analysis and Machinery Diagnosis. Industrial Acoustic: Real time narrow band FFT, Real time 1/1, 1/3, 1/12, 1/24 band octave spectrum, Real time A-, B-, C-, D-weighting, Fast- Slow- Impulse-weighting, Leq-Calculation, Sound Level according IEC 60651, 60804, 61672. Structural Analysis: Measurement of transfer functions (FRF) for SISO, SIMO and MIMO configurations with H1, H2 and Hv algorithm. Excitation can be either an impulse (modal hammer) or continuous. In this case internal function generator (OPT-FGEN) or external generator source might be used. Structure geometry can be created or imported from UNV, online measurements of FRF, coherence, phase and amplitude is possible. Machinery Diagnostics: Order Analysis, rotational and torsional vibration, waterfall diagram. Human Body Vibration according to ISO 8041, ISO 2631-1.
Battery packs for SIRIUS and SBOX data acquisition systems for stand-alone, in-vehicle or remote test and measurement applications. A clever click mechanism allows the battery to be attached to SIRIUS and/or SBOX instruments.
ECAT sync junction is used to synchronize acquisition from Dewesoft EtherCAT based data acquisition devices like KRYPTON with USB data acquisition devices like SIRIUS USB and DEWE-43A.
The ECAT sync junction is not required with R1DB/R2DB, R4, R8 or MINITAURs DAQ systems when extended with EtherCAT devices, because the sync junction is already built into the systems.
General top mount for SIRIUS data acquisition systems and/or SBOX data loggers. Mount can be used to fit small instruments, such as DS-CAN2, or any accessory that needs to be firmly fixed to the DAQ system.
Top plate with handle and holder for tablet PC with click mechanism. Fits to SIRIUS and MINITAURs data acquisition systems, SBOX data loggers and battery packs.
SIRIUS Battery / UPS box Supports 2x batteries with hot swap functionality 2x LiIon batteries 16,6V/6,6Ah = 96Wh Total capacity 180Wh, max. output 16V/10A Status display, including DC/DC converter for 9-36VDC input Including car adapter 3pin Lemo to open end 3m, 2pin-2pin Sirius cable, 3pin – 3pin SBOX cable
ECAT power junction is used to connect any EtherCAT data acquisition device like KRYPTON or SIRIUS with the power supply and standard PC computer with the RJ45 Ethernet port.
Using Dewesoft processing computers and data loggers like SBOX, KRYPTONCPU, R2DB, R4, R8 or MINITAURs do not require this accessory as the power is provided directly from the mentioned units.
DSI-Adapter für Messungen mit Ladungssensoren
Er verfügt über vier Eingangsbereiche von 1 kpC bis 500 kpC. Wählen sie zusätzlich zur DC-Messung im Kanal-Setup der Dewesoft X3 Software aus vier verschiedenen Hardware-Hochpassfiltern.
Der große Vorteil des DSI-CHG-DC-Adapters ist eine zeitkonstante, praktisch DC-Ladungsmessung mit einem DC-Drift von weniger als 0,1 pC/s für den Eingangsbereich von 500 kpC.
Die Bandbreite des DSI-CHG-DC beträgt 20 kHz für den 500-kpC-Bereich und 200 kHz für den 50-kpC-Bereich. DSI-CHG-DC wird von allen SIRIUS DAQ-Verstärkern mit DSUB9-Eingangsanschlüssen und KRYPTON STG-Verstärkern unterstützt. Die Konfiguration des Host-Verstärkers und die Kalibrierdaten können über TEDS ausgelesen werden.
Thermocouple adapter. High accuracy cold junction reference measurement, 1 m thermo cable with Mini TC connector, automatic adapter identification. Please specify TC-Type J, K, T or C.
Universeller DSI-Adapter zum Anschluss von Thermoelementen an DEWE-43, MINITAUR, Iolite und SIRIUS-STG, -STGM, STGS, -LV.
Unterstützte Thermoelement-Typen: (K, J, T, R, S, N, E, B, C)
Inklusive integrierter Vergleichsstellenkompensation mit einer CJC-Genauigkeit von 0,5 °C.
0,5 m Thermokabel mit Mini TC Buchse.
Automatische Identifikation des Adapters durch den Messverstärker.
200 Volt input adapter. Differential input configuration over BNC connector, bandwidth and ranges are defined by connected amplifier, automatic adapter identification.
20mA current input adapter with internal shunt 50Ohm, 0.05%, screw terminals in housing for cable fixing. Use for sensors with 0/4…20 mA output. Automatic adapter identification.
5A DSI Adapter with TEDS,
0.1Ohm 0.05% Shunt Resistor
Small Box with 1m cable and DSUB-9 connector and screw terminals
Fits to DEWE-43, Minitaur, SIRIUSi-STG, -STGM, -STGS, -LV
DS-16xLVDTr uses a unique ratiometric architecture to eliminate several of the disadvantages associated with traditional approaches to LVDT interfacing. DS-16xLVDTr combines 16 channels of DSI-LVDT adapters in a 19”-rack compatible housing with 1U height.
The main advantage of the new design is the asynchronous excitation signal provided from an external function generator to a BNC front connector (IN connector). When using multiple DS-LVDTr devices the EXC signal can be daisy-chained from the BNC OUT connector to the BNC IN connector on the other device.
There are 16 DSUB-9M male connectors on the front panel for the connection to the Dewesoft data acquisition system. Each connector includes a trimmer for phase adjustment.
On the back panel are 16 DSUB-9F (female) connectors for the LVDT sensor connection. DS-16xLVDTr supports measurements with full-bridge and half-bridge LVDT sensor types.
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